Embark on an extraordinary journey to Chad, a hidden gem in the heart of Africa, where ancient landscapes unfold and rich cultural tapestries come to life. Chad's vast deserts, including the surreal beauty of the Ennedi Plateau, showcase nature's raw magnificence, offering a unique backdrop for adventure seekers. Immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions of the diverse ethnic groups, such as the nomadic Tubu, the Kanembu and Mbororo, gaining insights into their ancient customs and timeless hospitality. Whether marveling at the breathtaking landscapes of Zakouma National Park or exploring the ancient rock formations, Chad unveils a destination where the spirit of exploration meets the warmth of local communities, promising an off-the-beaten-path holiday experience like no other. Chad is not a holiday, its an adventure, and one where untouched beauty and cultural authenticity converge, inviting you to discover the true essence of Africa.
Five reasons to love Chad:
Take the road less travelled and explore an area that is relatively unexplored by visitors - many places in Chad are devoid of tourists
It’s a conservationist’s heaven: Zakuma National Park represents the last intact Central African savannah ecosystem and gives you the opportunity to view the park’s thriving elephant population which was brought back from the brink of extinction. Zakouma is one of the last places on the planet where you can see herds of over 500 elephants.
Chad is not just the barren desert that most people imagine. With seasons and migrating wildlife, this country is also home to over 200 ethnic groups, speaking over 100 languages and dialects.
Rock art in Tibesti – ‘the place where mountain people live’ – is open to a tiny number of intrepid adventurers and shows life in this unique ecosystem that has not changed in millennia
Cultural experiences that offer a look into life as a nomadic traditional tribesperson. The Gerewol Festival where polygamous men from the Mbororo tribe dance, sing and generally make show off to find themselves a wife (or a second, third or fourth one).