Senchura Kaleku

Senchura Kaleku grew up as a proud Maasai, herding his family’s cattle and playing in the family boma. But Senchura’s urge to understand the landscape on a deeper level led him to work as a guide at a safari camp in the Maasai Mara.

In this role, he honed his skills and became one of the most sought after guides in the Mara working with some of the best international photographers. He found an innate photographic aptitude but his best skill is how to ‘get’ a good photograph. He knows how to position a vehicle that will be the optimum for photographers to make the best of prevailing conditions to get that photo you always wanted.

With a Bachelor's degree in Conservation Biology, Senchura possesses a deep understanding of the delicate balance between ecosystems and the importance of preserving biodiversity. His academic background, coupled with hands-on experience, has honed his expertise in identifying flora and fauna, as well as interpreting the intricate dynamics of Kenya's natural habitats.

His commitment to responsible tourism and wildlife conservation shines through in every safari expedition, as he emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices and respect for the environment.

His unwavering commitment to wildlife preservation, coupled with his expertise as a Safari Guide and wildlife photographer, continues to inspire and educate others about the importance of protecting our planet's precious ecosystems for generations to come.

Home location: Kenya

Guides in: across East Africa, specialising in the Maasai Mara

Languages: English

Daily rate: $$$